I am constantly sewing things for my daughter Savannah because I figure Matilda will wear it eventually, but for the "challenge" I decided Matilda need her very own dress and a special one at that! I used the Sienna Dress Pattern for her little dress, but made a few adjustments for my sweet baby girl.
Challenge Dress #3 - "The Matilda Tutu Dress"
For "The Matilda Tutu Dress" I used two different recycled t-shirts. I thought this t-shirt was perfect for my little Matilda because she truly is such a good baby and "sweet" is a very good word to describe her.
I shortened the 6-12 month Sienna Dress Pattern and added a tutu with some bright pink tulle (purchased from Hobby Lobby). I used a gathering stitch (meaning I set my regular sewing machine to the longest stitch possible, did not back-stitch, thus I was able to gather the tulle to make the tutu).
I also made a pair of matching ruffle bottom bloomers to go with the tutu dress. I just LOVE ruffle bottoms on little baby girls - it's SO cute. I used the green t-shirt to create these ruffles. I simply cut two long strips (about 2.5 times longer than the width of the bloomers) and used a gathering stitch to make the ruffles. I then stitched them down the center to the back of the bloomers. Again, you don't need to worry about finishing the edges of knit because it doesn't fray!!
I made the sleeves a 3/4 length and added some rick-rack to add a little whimsy.
After you have run your gathering stitch through the top of the tulle, pin the tulle to the dress and sew with a regular straight stitch (1/2 seam allowance). I just love how the tutu flares out while she's sitting (she's just barely starting to sit up).
And here's my little Matilda Jane sitting in a bumbo seat trying to model her little dress. Oh she is just such a sweetheart! I love you from here to the moon and back again!!
Cottage Mama's Note:
- All pictures of the challenge dresses were taken by Megan Abelard Photography. More of her work can be seen on her website: http://www.meganabelard.com
- The Sienna Dress Pattern is an incredibly well-written and easy to follow sewing pattern. I highly recommend it for even the most beginner sewer or anyone who is interested in starting to sew with knits. Click here to find out more information.

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