

Sunday, August 12, 2012

a sunday morning in normandy

This morning saw me up early and off to fairs, but they proved disappointing - yes!  that does happen ....  I bought some stuff but not enough to warrant a bona fide loot shoot.  However, the good news is that next Wednesday is a bank holiday and I should find a ton of stuff at a huge fair near here.  So with a bit of luck I'll be showing you a combined loot shoot then.

As compensation this morning, I drove through some beautiful countryside and in particular drove past this château that stopped me in my tracks.  Very protected by trees, so photos were difficult, but surrounded by its working farm with stunning barns and outbuildings.

 And then just a few yards down the road, my eye caught this sweet little house for sale.  I know nothing about it, just poked my nose over the gate, but inevitably it got my imagination working overtime ..... what do you think?

Hope you are having a lovely weekend, thank you for stopping by


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