Travis Tritt* once sang, "Why can't every day be just this good?" and that is how I feel about this week. It has been special to say the least. We found out our baby is healthy and a boy*, my parents came in town for a quick visit, I found an office (more to come on that soon), this weekend I am going to the beach with some of my favorite people and Sunday is Patrick's birthday. It has been wonderful to say the least.
Image Houzz

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Two Elle

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We Heart It*
A Great Day To Be Alive, such a good, song can be heard
HERE**I think I might have given some the wrong idea about finding out we are having a boy. I did think/feel like our baby was a girl but truly we did not have a preference either way. As someone who grew up with boys I feel right at home at ballparks among Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I hope y'all have had a wonderful week as well and a weekend of R&R on the horizon!
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