Things are progressing here....slowly. I have the whole nursery in my head (for the most part). However, reality is getting in the way. The
first thing I
knew I wanted to do with the nursery was wallpaper. That progressed to wallpapering the ceiling. Well, you see, I have run into some problems, the primary ones being low ceilings and expensive taste. The B word (budget) is looming in the air and we are not sure how long we will be in this house. Soooo, spending a lot on wallpaper that a future buyer* will probably not appreciate did not make sense. Enter a painted ceiling.

Here are some ideas I had for a tone on tone ceiling pattern. Oh the possibilities. BUT, I showed my painter and let's just say this route doesn't help the ole budget as I had hoped. Back to the drawing board....
*We are not planning on moving any time soon but our house is square footage challenged and I am sure in the next couple of years this will become a problem.
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